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BoxeCorridasDesportos de InvernoCorrida, Atletismo...
Top Events LIVE
Hóquei no gelo. NHL Edmonton – Seattle Kraken
3:00 (NHL)
Hóquei no gelo. NHL San Jose – Boston
3:30 (NHL)
Basquetebol. NBA LA Lakers – Chicago
3:30 (NBA)
Futebol. Estados Unidos. MLS Vancouver – Chicago Fire
3:30 (Estados Unidos. MLS)
Futebol. Estados Unidos. MLS Seattle Sounders – Houston Dynamo
3:30 (Estados Unidos. MLS)
Ontem (22 Março, Sábado)
Críquete. Nova Zelândia. Plunket Shield Canterbury Kings – Central Stags
22:30 (Plunket Shield)
Críquete. Nova Zelândia. Plunket Shield Wellington Firebirds – Northern Districts
22:30 (Plunket Shield)
Hoje (23 Março, Domingo)
Críquete. Mulheres. Twenty20 International Nova Zelândia (M) – Austrália (M)
2:45 (Twenty20 International)
Hóquei no gelo. NHL Edmonton – Seattle Kraken
3:00 (NHL)
Boxe. Boxe Ayrton Gimenez – Diego Alberto Ruiz
3:00 (Boxe)
Golfe. DP World Tour Singapore Classic
3:00 (DP World Tour)
Atletismo. Campeonato do Mundo World Championships in Athletics
3:00 (Campeonato do Mundo)
Hóquei no gelo. Estados Unidos. AHL Bakersfield Condors – San Jose Barracuda
3:00 (Estados Unidos. AHL)
Ténis. Desafiador ATP. Merida Felipe Alves – Christian Garin
3:00 (Desafiador ATP. Merida)
Basebol. NCAA Washington Huskies – Maryland Terrapins
3:02 (NCAA)
Futebol australiano. Austrália. AFL Brisbane Lions – West Coast Eagles
3:10 (Austrália. AFL)
Futebol. México. Mulheres. Liga MX America (M) – UANL (M)
3:10 (Liga MX)
Basquetebol. Mulheres. NCAA LSU Tigers (M) – San Diego Aztecs (M)
3:15 (Mulheres. NCAA)
Hóquei no gelo. NHL San Jose – Boston
3:30 (NHL)
Basquetebol. NBA LA Lakers – Chicago
3:30 (NBA)
Futebol. Estados Unidos. MLS Vancouver – Chicago Fire
3:30 (Estados Unidos. MLS)
Futebol. Estados Unidos. MLS Seattle Sounders – Houston Dynamo
3:30 (Estados Unidos. MLS)
Futebol. Austrália. Queensland Premier League 2 Souths Utd – Brisbane Knights
3:45 (Queensland Premier League 2)
Futebol. México. Liga de Expansion Dorados – Tampico Madero
4:05 (Liga de Expansion)
Desporto motorizado. Campeonato Mundial de Rali Rally Kenya
4:30 (Campeonato Mundial de Rali)
Basquetebol. Austrália. NBL The Hawks – Melbourne United
4:30 (Austrália. NBL)
Hóquei no gelo. Nova Zelândia. NZIHL Botany Swarm – Auckland Mako
4:45 (Nova Zelândia. NZIHL)
Golfe. Asian Tour International Series
5:00 (Asian Tour)
Futebol. Japão. J2 League Vegalta Sendai – Jubilo Iwata
5:00 (Japão. J2 League)
Futebol. Japão. J3 League Vanraure Hachinohe – Kochi United
5:00 (Japão. J3 League)
Futebol. Austrália. Mulheres. NPL Vitória Bundoora Utd (M) – Calder United (M)
5:00 (NPL Vitória)
Futebol. Japão. Mulheres. Nadeshiko League Iga Kunoichi (M) – Harima Albion (M)
5:00 (Nadeshiko League)
Futebol. Japão. Mulheres. Nadeshiko League Yokohama (M) – Speranza (M)
5:00 (Nadeshiko League)
Futebol. Mulheres. Liga dos Campeões da AFC Melbourne City (W) – Taichung Blue (W)
5:00 (Liga dos Campeões da AFC)
Ténis. Pacheco Mendez / Feldbausch – Goldhoff / Hilderbrand
5:10 ()
Futebol. Japão. J2 League Renofa Yamaguchi – Roasso Kumamoto
5:15 (Japão. J2 League)
Futebol australiano. Austrália. AFL North Melbourne – Melbourne
5:20 (Austrália. AFL)
Futebol. Austrália. NPL Vitória St Albans Saints – Port Melbourne
6:00 (NPL Vitória)
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Estados Unidos. Mulheres. NWSL

Video Broadcasts   Results
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13 Abril, Sábado
North Carolina Courage (W) – Chicago Red Stars (M) North Carolina Courage (W) 1:1 Chicago Red Stars (M)
Washington Spirit (W) – Sky Blue (W) Washington Spirit (W) 2:0 Sky Blue (W)
14 Abril, Domingo
Orlando Pride (M) – Portland Thorns (W) Orlando Pride (M) 0:2 Portland Thorns (W)
Houston Dash (W) – Seattle Reign (W) Houston Dash (W) 1:1 Seattle Reign (W)
17 Abril, Quarta-Feira
North Carolina Courage (W) – Orlando Pride (M) North Carolina Courage (W) 5:0 Orlando Pride (M)
20 Abril, Sábado
Chicago Red Stars (M) – Portland Thorns (W) Chicago Red Stars (M) 4:4 Portland Thorns (W)
20 Abril, Sábado
Sky Blue (W) – Houston Dash (W) Sky Blue (W) 0:1 Houston Dash (W)
Utah Royals (W) – Washington Spirit (W) Utah Royals (W) 1:0 Washington Spirit (W)
22 Abril, Segunda-Feira
Seattle Reign (W) – Orlando Pride (M) Seattle Reign (W) 1:1 Orlando Pride (M)
27 Abril, Sábado
Orlando Pride (M) – Utah Royals (W) Orlando Pride (M) 0:1 Utah Royals (W)
Chicago Red Stars (M) – Seattle Reign (W) Chicago Red Stars (M) 3:0 Seattle Reign (W)
28 Abril, Domingo
Houston Dash (W) – North Carolina Courage (W) Houston Dash (W) 1:4 North Carolina Courage (W)
Sky Blue (W) – Portland Thorns (W) Sky Blue (W) 2:2 Portland Thorns (W)
4 Maio, Sábado
Utah Royals (W) – Chicago Red Stars (M) Utah Royals (W) 1:0 Chicago Red Stars (M)
4 Maio, Sábado
North Carolina Courage (W) – Sky Blue (W) North Carolina Courage (W) 0:0 Sky Blue (W)
Washington Spirit (W) – Seattle Reign (W) Washington Spirit (W) 0:0 Seattle Reign (W)
5 Maio, Domingo
Houston Dash (W) – Orlando Pride (M) Houston Dash (W) 1:0 Orlando Pride (M)
10 Maio, Sexta-Feira
Sky Blue (W) – Washington Spirit (W) Sky Blue (W) 2:3 Washington Spirit (W)
Utah Royals (W) – Houston Dash (W) Utah Royals (W) 1:2 Houston Dash (W)
12 Maio, Domingo
Chicago Red Stars (M) – North Carolina Courage (W) Chicago Red Stars (M) 3:1 North Carolina Courage (W)
17 Maio, Sexta-Feira
Seattle Reign (W) – Sky Blue (W) Seattle Reign (W) 2:1 Sky Blue (W)
18 Maio, Sábado
Washington Spirit (W) – Portland Thorns (W) Washington Spirit (W) 3:1 Portland Thorns (W)
19 Maio, Domingo
Houston Dash (W) – Chicago Red Stars (M) Houston Dash (W) 1:2 Chicago Red Stars (M)
North Carolina Courage (W) – Utah Royals (W) North Carolina Courage (W) 1:1 Utah Royals (W)
25 Maio, Sábado
Utah Royals (W) – Orlando Pride (M) Utah Royals (W) 2:0 Orlando Pride (M)
26 Maio, Domingo
Chicago Red Stars (M) – Washington Spirit (W) Chicago Red Stars (M) 0:2 Washington Spirit (W)
27 Maio, Segunda-Feira
Seattle Reign (W) – North Carolina Courage (W) Seattle Reign (W) 2:1 North Carolina Courage (W)
1 Junho, Sábado
Washington Spirit (W) – Utah Royals (W) Washington Spirit (W) 2:0 Utah Royals (W)
Seattle Reign (W) – Houston Dash (W) Seattle Reign (W) 1:1 Houston Dash (W)
Orlando Pride (M) – North Carolina Courage (W) Orlando Pride (M) 0:3 North Carolina Courage (W)
2 Junho, Domingo
Portland Thorns (W) – Chicago Red Stars (M) Portland Thorns (W) 3:0 Chicago Red Stars (M)
15 Junho, Sábado
North Carolina Courage (W) – Portland Thorns (W) North Carolina Courage (W) 1:1 Portland Thorns (W)
Seattle Reign (W) – Washington Spirit (W) Seattle Reign (W) 1:1 Washington Spirit (W)
Utah Royals (W) – Sky Blue (W) Utah Royals (W) 1:0 Sky Blue (W)
21 Junho, Sexta-Feira
Portland Thorns (W) – Utah Royals (W) Portland Thorns (W) 0:0 Utah Royals (W)
22 Junho, Sábado
Sky Blue (W) – Orlando Pride (M) Sky Blue (W) 1:2 Orlando Pride (M)
Washington Spirit (W) – Houston Dash (W) Washington Spirit (W) 0:0 Houston Dash (W)
28 Junho, Sexta-Feira
Utah Royals (W) – Seattle Reign (W) Utah Royals (W) 0:2 Seattle Reign (W)
29 Junho, Sábado
Washington Spirit (W) – North Carolina Courage (W) Washington Spirit (W) 1:2 North Carolina Courage (W)
Houston Dash (W) – Portland Thorns (W) Houston Dash (W) 1:2 Portland Thorns (W)
5 Julho, Sexta-Feira
North Carolina Courage (W) – Houston Dash (W) North Carolina Courage (W) 5:2 Houston Dash (W)
Portland Thorns (W) – Seattle Reign (W) Portland Thorns (W) 0:1 Seattle Reign (W)
6 Julho, Sábado
Chicago Red Stars (M) – Sky Blue (W) Chicago Red Stars (M) 1:2 Sky Blue (W)
Orlando Pride (M) – Chicago Red Stars (M) Orlando Pride (M) 4:3 Chicago Red Stars (M)
Orlando Pride (M) – Washington Spirit (W) Orlando Pride (M) 4:3 Washington Spirit (W)
12 Julho, Sexta-Feira
Sky Blue (W) – Utah Royals (W) Sky Blue (W) 1:0 Utah Royals (W)
13 Julho, Sábado
North Carolina Courage (W) – Seattle Reign (W) North Carolina Courage (W) 2:0 Seattle Reign (W)
Portland Thorns (W) – Orlando Pride (M) Portland Thorns (W) 4:3 Orlando Pride (M)
19 Julho, Sexta-Feira
Utah Royals (W) – Portland Thorns (W) Utah Royals (W) 2:2 Portland Thorns (W)
20 Julho, Sábado
Orlando Pride (M) – Sky Blue (W) Orlando Pride (M) 1:0 Sky Blue (W)
24 Julho, Quarta-Feira
Portland Thorns (W) – Houston Dash (W) Portland Thorns (W) 5:0 Houston Dash (W)
27 Julho, Sábado
Seattle Reign (W) – Chicago Red Stars (M) Seattle Reign (W) 0:4 Chicago Red Stars (M)
Utah Royals (W) – North Carolina Courage (W) Utah Royals (W) 1:2 North Carolina Courage (W)
29 Julho, Segunda-Feira
Houston Dash (W) – Sky Blue (W) Houston Dash (W) 1:0 Sky Blue (W)
2 Agosto, Sexta-Feira
North Carolina Courage (W) – Washington Spirit (W) North Carolina Courage (W) 1:0 Washington Spirit (W)
3 Agosto, Sábado
Chicago Red Stars (M) – Utah Royals (W) Chicago Red Stars (M) 2:0 Utah Royals (W)
Portland Thorns (W) – Sky Blue (W) Portland Thorns (W) 1:1 Sky Blue (W)
7 Agosto, Quarta-Feira
Seattle Reign (W) – Portland Thorns (W) Seattle Reign (W) 1:0 Portland Thorns (W)
10 Agosto, Sábado
Orlando Pride (M) – Houston Dash (W) Orlando Pride (M) 0:1 Houston Dash (W)
Seattle Reign (W) – Utah Royals (W) Seattle Reign (W) 1:3 Utah Royals (W)
Portland Thorns (W) – North Carolina Courage (W) Portland Thorns (W) 2:1 North Carolina Courage (W)
Washington Spirit (W) – Chicago Red Stars (M) Washington Spirit (W) 0:1 Chicago Red Stars (M)
14 Agosto, Quarta-Feira
Sky Blue (W) – Chicago Red Stars (M) Sky Blue (W) 2:1 Chicago Red Stars (M)
17 Agosto, Sábado
Sky Blue (W) – Seattle Reign (W) Sky Blue (W) 1:1 Seattle Reign (W)
Portland Thorns (W) – Washington Spirit (W) Portland Thorns (W) 3:1 Washington Spirit (W)
21 Agosto, Quarta-Feira
Chicago Red Stars (M) – Orlando Pride (M) Chicago Red Stars (M) 1:2 Orlando Pride (M)
24 Agosto, Sábado
Washington Spirit (W) – Orlando Pride (M) Washington Spirit (W) 2:1 Orlando Pride (M)
6 Setembro, Sexta-Feira
Sky Blue (W) – North Carolina Courage (W) Sky Blue (W) 1:2 North Carolina Courage (W)
8 Setembro, Domingo
Chicago Red Stars (M) – Houston Dash (W) Chicago Red Stars (M) 3:0 Houston Dash (W)
13 Setembro, Sexta-Feira
Houston Dash (W) – Utah Royals (W) Houston Dash (W) 2:1 Utah Royals (W)
25 Setembro, Quarta-Feira
Houston Dash (W) – Washington Spirit (W) Houston Dash (W) 0:0 Washington Spirit (W)
12 Outubro, Sábado
Orlando Pride (M) – Seattle Reign (W) Orlando Pride (M) 2:2 Seattle Reign (W)
which time zone is used when they say a match in la liga begins?
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