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Buz hokeyi. 18 Ya? Alt? Dünya Kupas?. Div III. A Grubu Meksika U18 – Türkiye U18
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Nasil izlenir Mikhailov Academy – Taifun

  Rusya. MHL. Baþlangýç tarihi 2 aralýk 2024 burada 18:00.
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Sonuç – 9:3 (0:1, 4:0, 5:2).


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Mikhailov Academy Taifun

Sýnýflma Rusya. MHL.
Tüm sýnýflmalar
    O G B M Gollar P
1 JHC Spartak 45 33 0 5 174 / 83 78
2 SKA-1946 47 36 0 8 220 / 86 76
3 Dinamo Szynnik 49 30 0 9 196 / 122 75
4 Krasnaya Armiya 49 29 0 10 174 / 108 74
5 Loko 47 27 0 12 177 / 116 67
6 Mikhailov Academy 47 25 0 12 163 / 106 67
7 JHC Dynamo SPb 46 24 0 13 154 / 129 62
8 JHC Dynamo Msk 46 28 0 15 147 / 124 61
9 Almaz 47 22 0 17 147 / 131 56
10 Kr?lya Sovetov 48 19 0 20 144 / 157 51
11 Russkie Vityazi 47 15 0 20 124 / 148 47
12 AKM-Junior 48 14 0 27 119 / 170 40
13 Akademiya SKA-Yunior 48 13 0 26 123 / 176 39
14 Kapitan 49 15 0 28 108 / 152 37
15 Amurskie Tigry 48 10 0 28 96 / 143 35
16 Sakhalinskie Akuly 47 10 0 27 111 / 169 34
17 JHC Atlant 44 7 0 23 93 / 145 34
18 Taifun 47 10 0 28 118 / 180 33
19 SKA-Karelya 49 3 0 42 95 / 238 11

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